The Original WWM Project

Created in 2017, the project was guided by the notion that every place has a story to tell – one that is influenced by our presence in that place and how it makes us feel. Through spoken word, found sound, and original music narratives created for specific locations give the listener a taste of the history and culture of a place while encouraging them to engage with it in their own unique way, so it becomes theirs.

We worked with RB Morris, our poet laureate at the time, to help write the text and provide the voice. Jack Neely was asked to fact check and provide historical context. In March 2017, the Big Ears Festival, incorporated the project in their website and app as a ‘Knoxville Experience’. In 2018, we added five new places to the project (for a total of 11) and, once again, the Big Ears Festival included the project in their app and Visit Knoxville used it as a walking tour.